Monday, December 21, 2009

Last Mentor Meeting

Today was the final meeting I was going to have with Donna. We met around 2:15ish till 3. We got alot of things accomplish today! The first thing she told me was how proud she was of me to finally be finished with the blog! We looked over my blog and made sure everything was finished! After that we had a talk about what I wanted to do after graduation. I told her I wanted to go to school to be a nurse, hopefully in California. She thought that it would be a wonderful experience and also reminded me that I could do anything as long as I put my mind to it! Last, I talked to her about her job and asked her a few personal questions. Before I left we promised each other that we would stay in touch in the future and I would keep her updated throughout the year. I thanked her for everything that she had done for me and made sure we left our final meeting on a good note!

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